Baltic Wharf

Baltic wharf campsite is under constant threat of disclosure because of the Council reclaiming the site to build more luxury apartments, so it only shows a few months ahead for booking. In February I checked out the website and was lucky to see that they had opened up April so quickly booked 3 nights, what I didnt realise was that the price had shot up! £42 a night! not their most expensive I was informend by the Wardens. As we like the location we decided to stay. We had three lovely days in good weather cycling, walking and visiting our friend Liz.1st cycle ride was a new one to us following the River Avon Trail through Netham Park to Hanham Lock where we stopped for lunch. Our second ride took us through the beautiful Ashton Park one of our favourite rides where the deer were close to the fence, good for a photo, across Clifton Suspenion Bridge to Clifton Down with lovely views of the Avon Gorge. We also managed the 3 mile walk around the floating harbour where there are always new and interesting boats to view, passenger ferries ploughing up and down and colourful sailing boats.
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